- In case you don't have copies and insurance company says that they haven't received your claim form, receipts and reports.
In this case you can nothing do now.But in future always send copies and keep originals.
Further you can ask from your agent more for it.
- For finding a new car insurance is not a difficult task you can search online many companies which can provide you better auto insurance all you have to take care is what you actually want.
Do you want a comprehensive car insuranceor a simple one.With deductibles which will be economical but have less safety .
- Well if your son or daughter is taking your car to college then it is better to make him listed as a principal or occassional driver.
Who is considered as principal driver in the eyes of insurance company:
The person who is the registered owner of the vehicle,Or Drives the vehicle to work or school, orOr Drives the vehicle more than anyone else.
There might be some what increase in premiums if he/she is of teen age
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